Temporary Transformation Payment (TTP)
- Development of Daily Living and Life Skills
- Participation in Community, Social and Civic Activities
- Group and Centre Based Activities

Sunshine Coast Lightning Volunteering at Compass Farm

New partnership with the Big Pineapple
A new partnership with Compass and the Big Pineapple, announced today, will see people with disability supporting new commercial ventures at the Big Pineapple.
Compass is an award-winning, Sunshine Coast based service for people with disability, offering numerous enriching life skills and vocational opportunities. Through Compass, they build skills and confidence through various ventures such as working on the local 20-acre Compass Farm, along with other enterprises such as cafes, a woodwork shed, pottery, and commercial kitchen. The newly announced partnership with the Big Pineapple extends on Compass’ successful training model where people with disability learn and apply skills, readying them for vocational opportunities in the community.
Compass CEO, David Dangerfield, expressed his delight at partnering with the Big Pineapple. “Together with the Big Pineapple team, we will build a best practice model for inclusion of people with a disability in valued roles, that will rival anything seen in this country.”
“We strongly support the vision of the Big Pineapple to return agribusiness and food related tourism to this iconic location. With dozens of enterprises ready to call the Big Pineapple home over the coming years, we have eager people, supported by teachers and volunteers, ready to ‘pitch in’ and help the Big Pineapple become a great success.”
Jim Costello, Big Pineapple Renewal Project Director, agreed, “We are pleased to welcome Compass into the Big Pineapple family, and we see numerous opportunities for people with disability across our site. We are offering land and space for farming ventures, with the produce able to be sold in our refurbished market hall, just as one example. We also see Compass workers supporting other food and beverage operators who are coming to the Big Pineapple”.
“As part of the Big Pineapple refurbishment program commencing this year, we are returning the iconic pineapple farm across the slope near the train tracks. The Compass crew can make sure our pineapples are always well tended and ready to be included in our re-booted pineapple sundaes and parfaits, as we welcome more visitors to our site.”
Local Sunshine Coast Councillor, Cr Jenny McKay enthusiastically expressed her support. “It’s wonderful two great Sunshine Coast hinterland companies have teamed up, and I can see tremendous opportunities for Compass workers to contribute in many practical ways at the Big Pineapple”.
“From first-hand experience I know Compass is dedicated to helping people with disability and their families. Through the assistance of corporate partners like the Big Pineapple we can ensure we are one of the most caring and inclusive communities in Australia.”

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Generous Support from Sunshine Coast Council

Compass Institute 2019 Charity Partner for Sunshine Coast Lightning

Compass Community Achievement Award 2018 Finalist