Meet Trainee Dylan
Name: Dylan Evans
Compass Trainee Since: 2021
Campus: The Farm & Connections Café
Dylan’s mum kindly answered these questions to share with you here.
How would you describe Dylan?
Happy, friendly, caring, and a good-natured person that gives his best efforts in everything he does.
Why did you choose to come to Compass 2 years ago?
We chose Compass as we had heard good things about this place. We came for a visit and saw all the opportunities if offers. Dylan liked the Farm and said yes, we’ll try it out.
We thought this would offer Dylan something more than just hanging out at home.
We saw that Compass would help him learn new skills and be able to build some friendships.
What has Compass meant to you and your family?
Coming on board with Compass has meant that Dylan can work and learn life skills, and work towards his goals for future living.
How has Dylan grown over the years? What are some of the main differences you see and outcomes that have been achieved?
Dylan now has a busy week working with Compass. He has achieved more confidence and become more adaptable to ever-changing situations. He has connected with his peers and trainers and become quite a happy young man. Working at the Café makes him feel like part of a team. He also feels like he is contributing, like his friends and family, having a job and working towards life goals.
What are some of the biggest obstacles you’ve seen Dylan overcome in his time at Compass?
His communication and confidence as well as his gross motor skills. He is so happy working with his friends and enjoying his job.
A big focus of Compass is about helping others see people with disabilities in a different light and encouraging them to look beyond the disability. With that in mind, what would you most like people to know about Dylan?
We would love people to see Dylan as a happy, funny, gentle, young man, who is helpful and capable of any task given to him. Dylan is passionate about sport, he loves football and cricket and he is a good caring friend.
What is your dream for Dylan’s future?
For him to be able to communicate with others and feel included and be confident and independent in any situation, to be genuinely happy.