
Meet the Crew: Tye Naismith

Name: Tye Naismith

Compass Crew Since: 2021

Role: Team Leader Wabi Sabi Creations / Support Trainer

What attracted you to this role?

I was working in construction when I saw the position advertised and I really dislike jackhammering… so the chance to pursue a role in Disability/Community Service and apply skills from the other industries (Retail, Outdoor Rec, School Camps, Hospitality, Construction) I have worked in was appealing. I was fortunate to have my interview at the Farm and after seeing the space and meeting many of the Compass trainees and staff I was so excited to be a part of the organisation.

What is the favourite part of your day at Compass?

Seeing trainees build their confidence when interacting with customers, and in turn, seeing the public realise their potential. Enjoying those moments where people let down their guard, see and respond to the person, not their disability.

What is something you have learned as a result of working in the disability support sector?

I have found much of the job is getting to know a person. Knowing who they are, their strengths, needs and sense of humour. Working in this sector acts as a mirror and as much as we support others it enables me to self-reflect and has/is helping me to be a better person. It pushes me to want to study, learn and grow my skills and experience so that I can better support the people who choose to come to Compass.

What is something you wish people knew about your role or about the disability community?

I would wish for more people seeing the humanity of people with disabilities rather than the label.

If there was anything you could change, what would it be?

I would like to see greater collaboration in the sector. Greater awareness in the community/industry of the challenges and need for co-operation in all areas, whether it be more quality SIL’s providers, access to OT’s and capacity building programs, accessibility in the community but also the interplay between all these areas to increase lifelong positive outcome for NDIS participants. Compass is doing great work in this space, and I would love to see growth in how we can use what we do to initiate a positive influence and change with other stakeholders in the lives of the trainees.

Any final words / comments / funny anecdotes etc?

I recently heard some simple advice that can be applied to anyone and everyone. It went something like this…

If someone is displaying negative behaviour, try not to personalise it. It’s not that they are trying to give you a tough time, it’s that they are having a tough time. The behaviour is the symptom, we need to find the source and put supports in place around that.

I have been testing this within my own practice at work and at home, even within myself. Give it a go.

aug 25 b

Meet Trainee Dennis

Before he began to go to Compass farm, he was shy and reserved and he has definitely gained confidence in all areas of his life.
jul 9

Meet the Crew: Paula Young

Name: Paula Young

Compass Crew Since: 2019

Role: 2IC Nambour Campus

What attracted you to this role?
I have always been drawn to working within the Disability sector, I volunteered for many years helping families with respite support.    

What is the favourite part of your day at Compass?
Meeting and greeting the trainees in the morning and talking to them about their week.  I love the fact that everyday is different and they are enthusiastic to conquer their goals

What is something you have learned as a result of working in the disability support sector?
Anything is possible.  It is so rewarding to be a part of assisting trainees to kick their goals. The trainees also inspire me to work as hard at my own goals in life.

What is something you wish people knew about your role or about the disability community?
Don’t focus on a person’s disability, look at their ability to create new possibilities to make a difference in this world

Any final words / comments / funny anecdotes etc?
Never been in a role where I’ve been called so many Superhero names – thanks to Chris Wilson (Nambour trainee).   

Did You Know: School to Adult Life Transition

Reach out to the Community and Mainstream Team at Carers Queensland to begin talking about a young person’s School to Adult life transition and join in at one of their Family Connect Forums to share ideas and knowledge in a relaxed and positive environment. Attending the forum will assist you to find new potential avenues of support, meet other parents and hear their stories, discuss shared experiences, explore new ideas, and engage with young people to plan a path forward.

To find a School-to-Adult Life Transition Family Connect Forum near you visit Carers Queensland Community events page at School to Adult Transition Forum  or contact them on 1300 999 636 or email them at [email protected]

Additionally, if you are looking to see how Compass can support this school to adult transition, please contact our team to discuss.

Please find a selection of other helpful resources below:

– Let’s Talk About Work Booklet

– Finding, keeping and changing jobs

– Leaving school

– School leaver employment supports

– School leaver employment support booklet

– School leaver employment goals worksheet

– Supports in employment

– Work and study supports

– Who is responsible for the supports you need?

– Thinking about self employment

– Thinking about work

– AAA NDIS SLES Funding Guide


Meet the Crew: Andrew Diggines

Name: Andrew Diggines

Compass Crew Since: 2009

Role: Compass Farm Manager

What attracted you to this role?
I was electrician before my role with Compass. I liked helping young people achieve their goals and dreams and I thought I could transfer my skills to people with disabilities in the same way as my apprentices.

What is the favourite part of your day at Compass?
My interaction with our trainees. Every day they surprise me and teach me something new. I like coming to the farm early in the mornings. It is a quiet and magical place; it prepares me for the day ahead.

What is something you have learned as a result of working in the disability support sector?
I’ve learned a lot working in the disability sector, everybody has a gift. Our trainees might have a disability and have lost something or are unable to do something but there is always another side, there is always something they have been gifted with. I have learned a lot about myself as well, about how lucky I am, how it is not all about money or a goal, it is about the journey and enjoying the moment. I love how honest the trainees are – sometimes cutting – but always honest.

What is something you wish people knew about your role or about the disability community?
I would like the community to know that even though we have a disability we have something to offer. This may not be in a conventional way or in the ability to do a job, but they can bring happiness and joy, the willingness to accept everybody with no judgement. I would like people to know that my role, in my opinion, is one of the most amazing jobs that anyone could have. The opportunity to guide, mentor, change people’s lives in a positive way and not only their lives but also their families’ lives. There are many stories and incidents that I have been lucky enough to have been part of that have profoundly changed the course of somebody’s life for the better.

If there was anything you could change, what would it be?
If there was anything that I could change it would be that large organisations and businesses would employ a person with a disability – the benefits of this, nationwide, would be huge. I also wish that everybody had the opportunity to interact with a person with a disability to breakdown those barriers and assumptions that people have. At the end of the day, we are all human and everyone has something to offer, it’s just getting the opportunities.

Any final words / comments / funny anecdotes etc?
I have many comments or funny anecdotes but I think my final words would be I believe everybody with a disability should have the opportunity to contribute and to live their lives to the best of their abilities with the support of the community. Not just taking but truly living and contributing to our nation.

Compass celebrates 20 Years with a heartfelt Country Shindig and a one-of-a-kind Photo Exhibition

Celebrating 20 years of changing lives on a daily basis, The Compass Institute Inc put on the party of the year with their 20th Birthday Compass Shindig, which included local singing sensation Taylor Moss headlining the event.

In true Compass style, at Venue 114, their 20-year journey was celebrated with a grass-roots, authentic, feel-good country music extravaganza, which showcased some of the talented Compass Trainees in their country best and a cracking whip cracker, literally. The event acted as a major fundraiser for Compass, who are about to embark on a new Masterplan for their Hunchy Farm, bringing more opportunity and services to those that Compass supports. Thanks to the incredible support of over 320 attendees on the day, Compass was able to raise almost $100,000 to go towards building these greater facilities and opportunities for trainees today and into the future.

As an added bonus, attendees were provided with an exclusive first look at Compass’ exciting new campaign – a one-of-a-kind photo exhibition, launched in conjunction with the 20-year anniversary, called See the Able, Not the Label.  These images that were unveiled for the first time on Friday, showcase a selection of Compass Trainees in stunning portraits alongside their heartfelt stories of transformation and growth, and aims to inspire others to drop labels and commonly held misconceptions of people with intellectual disabilities.

You can now view these incredible images and read the stories at www.seeme.org.au.

Sandra Brodie, Head of Business and Growth at the Compass Institute, says, “For me, getting to personally know each individual, their families and their incredible journeys of strength, courage and perseverance has been an absolute honour and an experience that will remain with me forever. They all have incredible journeys and I’ve learned so much by listening and know that stories like these will also touch many other people’s lives in the community”.

Of course, this event would not have been the success it was without the help of some of the amazing supporters and partners of Compass.

A special thank you goes out to Compass’ now 10-year Corporate Partners – and friends – Cricks Sunshine Coast.

Cricks were the presenting partner for the 20th Birthday Shindig but the relationship with Cricks goes far beyond this one event. They have supported the launch of new social enterprises, to gift assistance dogs to multiple local families in need, to provide essential transportation to our trainees, to connect Compass with new potential partners, to deliver exceptional fundraising events that help Compass deliver critical projects, and even to provide vocational and employment pathways beyond Compass for some of the trainees. The words Thank You don’t even begin to express how truly grateful Compass is to have Cricks support the work to help so many people in the local community.

Also thank you to Gold Event Partners, NCP Bathroom Centre, Silver Event Partners AIB Australia, ENTAG and Queensland Timber Flooring, and our Event Collaborators White House International (who did an amazing job) and Media Partners at 91.1 Hot FM.

Further thank you to our prize sponsors, who provided some incredible experiences and prizes; See Restaurant, Paradise Rum, Sunshine & Sons, Harri Jones Racing and Porsche Motorsport Australia, Diamondvale Cottages Stanthorpe, Opals Down Under, Lauren Biggs Photography, Minor Hotels / Oak Resorts, Kokomo Cruises Gold Coast.

To all the event attendees who showed up and got behind the Compass cause, from purchasing tables, to raffles, to the special ‘Shovel Drive’ and of course engaging in the Live Auction, it is with humble and warm hearts that Compass says thank you.

Lastly, no country shindig can go past a bit of toe tapping and boot scooting to the country tones of Taylor Moss, The Wet Whistles and Beth Lucas! The line dances and do-si-do’s were out in force. Yee Haw!

Compass Trainees_Caitlin Larson_Levi Maddox_Mark Giuliano


The old saying, “It takes a village”, is the best way to describe The Compass Institute’s newest social enterprise venture.

Located in the heart of Maroochydore, the new for-purpose café is a unique collaboration between The Compass Institute, one of the Sunshine Coast’s longest standing disability services, and The Avenue Retirement Village, which is home to 113 resort-style independent living apartments for over 60’s.

Named after Compass’ first social enterprise café in Nambour, Connections Café Maroochydore provides vocational training opportunities for local individuals with disabilities and offers a wide selection of food and drink options, all made in-house, to both residents of The Avenue and the local community.

“Late last year, out of the blue, I got a phone call from a lovely lady asking about whether Compass would be interested in opening a new social enterprise café in Maroochydore,” said Compass Head of Business and Growth, Sandra Brodie.

“Some of the residents at The Avenue had been to our other social enterprise cafés on the Coast and loved what we were about and the experience they’d had with our Trainees, so were advocating for Compass to be the café of choice to operate from their premises. To us, this was a huge compliment, as The Avenue is not their place of business, it’s their home.

“After looking at the space and meeting the team and resident community at The Avenue, we knew this was a very unique opportunity. Beyond the prospect of creating further opportunities for our Trainees for vocational training, was the opportunity to connect an older generation into the magic that young people with disabilities bring, and vice versa, on a day-to-day basis.”

This was something that was also evident to the management team behind The Avenue.

“A well-run café brings a vibrance to a village – it creates a place to meet, a delicious alternative to cooking, as well as a great opportunity to connect with the local community and support local business,” said Aura Holdings CEO, Sean Graham.

Before the new café could become a reality, there was a need for funding to activate the space. And in true Sunshine Coast spirit, the local business community came to the call. Over 130 local business men and women came together at the 2022 Compass Institute Golf Day which is proudly supported by Cricks Sunshine Coast and raised over $50,000 to utilise the opportunity.

The cafe opened quietly in late 2022 and this past Tuesday February 14th on Valentines Day, the team at Connections Café decided it was time to make their mark, share the love and say thank you to the community that bought them to life. The Connections Café team delivered over 113 thank you treats to the residents of the Avenue and over 50 “taster boxes” showcasing their finest sweets to local Maroochydore businesses.

“We believe in the magic of community and now we are proud to be able to share a little of that magic back,” said Sandra.

“And what better time to do that than Valentine’s Day!”

Connections Café Maroochydore is open Monday – Friday, 7:30am – 2:30pm, and is open to both residents of The Avenue Retirement Village and the broader community. The café located on the Ground Floor of The Avenue at 32 Baden Powell St, Maroochydore.

© 2020 Eyes Wide Open Images  Barry Alsop


Compass Open Days are a great way to see our various campuses, explore our programs, meet our passionate team and trainees, and experience some Compass magic!

Compass is hosting FIVE Open Days this year and invite anyone interested in meeting us and seeing what we do first hand to attend. This includes current families, who may want to meet other current families; prospective trainees and families; support co-ordinators; school and special school representatives; community members; members of the business community; interested volunteers… ALL are welcome!

Join us from 10am – 1pm at one or more of our Campuses! 

    • CALOUNDRA CampusWednesday 12th October
      • ADDRESS: Central Park Rd, Caloundra
      • Free Parking On-Site
    • GYMPIE Campus – Tuesday 25th October
      • ADDRESS: 25 Lady Mary Terrace, Gympie
      • Free parking on-site
    • NAMBOUR Campus – Wednesday 26th October
      • ADDRESS: C-Square, 53-64 Currie St, Nambour – Ground Floor (Courtyard level)
      • Free parking at Nambour Train Station
    • FARM Campus – Wednesday 2nd Nov
      • ADDRESS: 48 Christensens Road, Hunchy
      • Free parking on-site
    • CABOOLTURE TAFE Campus – Thursday 3rd November 
      • ADDRESS: TAFE Queensland Caboolture Campus,
        Tallon St, Caboolture – E Block Building
      • Free parking onsite. Enter via Tallon St and follow
        signs to reach us at E Block!



DOWNLOAD OUR OPEN DAY FLYER HERE:  Compass Open Day Flyer 2022

See you there!




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