
Meet Trainee Nienna

When we were first looking at options for Nienna after finishing at Special School, the most important thing for us was finding somewhere that would help her work towards more independence.

Meet Trainee Caitlin

It’s a smile we all love – not just Compass staff, but also, pretty much every visitor that comes to Compass Farm knows Caitlin, as she’s often the first to greet them and make them feel welcome with her big and vibrant personality.

Meet the Crew: Taryn Morrison

Name: Taryn Morrison

Compass Crew Since: 2019

Role: Support Trainer at the Compass Farm

What attracted you to this role?

I love the idea of empowering community and sharing knowledge.

What is the favourite part of your day at Compass?

All the laughter.

What is something you have learned as a result of working in the disability support sector?

Innate goodness of the individuals I have the joy of working with.

What is something you wish people knew about your role or about the disability community?

Learning something new everyday – the trainees are our biggest teachers.

If there was anything you could change, what would it be?

More dogs in the workplace! It’s the best.

Any final words / comments / funny anecdotes 

Very little is needed to make a happy life.


Meet the Crew: Tina Yalden

Name: Tina Yalden

Compass Crew Since: 2018

Role: Harvest Kitchen Trainer and now 2IC Compass Farm

What attracted you to this role?

I had not long moved up from Victoria and left my job of 8 years in Product Development (PD) for Campbell’s Soups. Compass needed someone to run the Harvest Kitchen enterprise working with the trainees to make Jams and Chutneys. With my background in PD it seemed like a good opportunity to combine what I used to do with a new adventure in disability support. The role was explained to me as ‘getting to cook with your best mates everyday’. It turned out to be that and so much more.

I have since moved out of HK into the 2IC role this year, and am really enjoying supporting the trainees and staff on the farm more.

What is the favourite part of your day at Compass?

Getting to see the trainees thrive when they learn new things or participate in a program that they enjoy. I love the interactions with the trainees on the Farm. They know how to make everything fun!

What is something you have learned as a result of working in the disability support sector?

That you can never expect two days to be the same (which I love) and that the ability to go with the flow of our trainees is sometimes where the biggest rewards can come from.

What is something you wish people knew about your role or about the disability community?

This is the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life. I am there as a trainer for our trainees, but I feel like I get so much back in return. Best job ever!

If there was anything you could change, what would it be?

I wouldn’t change a thing about what I do, but I am excited to see the services and facilities grow on the Farm so that we can offer more opportunity.

Any final words / comments / funny anecdotes 

The best game of UNO I have ever played in my life was with some of my trainees. They just know how to make EVERYTHING fun!!!


Meet the Crew: Tim Aitken

Name: Tim Aitken

Compass Crew Since: 2014

Role: Support Trainer / 2IC at the Gympie Centre

What attracted you to this role?

The challenge that comes when supporting more than one person.

What is the favourite part of your day at Compass?

Just being with my people and helping them progress.

What is something you have learned as a result of working in the disability support sector?

I have learnt that through consistency progress will come.

What is something you wish people knew about your role or about the disability community?

The role, when it boils down to it, it’s about connection. People just want connection.


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Meet Trainee Dylan

He has gained more confidence and become more adaptable to ever-changing situations. He has connected with his peers and trainers and become quite a happy young man.

Meet the Crew: Bri Halliday

Name: Brianna Halliday

Compass Crew Since: May 2022

Role: Team Leader Harvest Kitchen / Support Trainer

What attracted you to this role?

I had recently hit my 10 years of working in all sectors of hospitality and decided I needed a change. During high school I wanted to be a special needs teacher but as I started working more after school in an events company, I found my passion for hospitality and events. I went on to complete my Bachelor’s degree in Business and Event Management. In 2021 I decided to complete my support work qualification and was lucky enough for 4 weeks placement here. While on placement I fell in love with all of Compass and fostered a great connection with the trainees. I am very grateful for my position which allows me to engage with trainees as well as incorporate a business aspect into my role.

What is the favourite part of your day at Compass?

The interactions with the trainees. They brighten up your day from the moment you walk in. I love the little messages I get written on my lunch wrapping, the laughs we have, the meaningful moments and learning opportunities as well as the daily banter. Oh, and testing the jam and chutney batches before we jar up… yum!

What is something you have learned as a result of working in the disability support sector?

It’s the relationships you form with trainees that allow them to grow and achieve through your support and interactions. I was surprised how much you learn about yourself through this role as well. Although you are there to help them thrive, they are actually the ones that enrich your life.

What is something you wish people knew about your role or about the disability community?

How important accessibility is. I find myself evaluating situations or environments that I am in assessing how accessible it would be for someone with a disability. I’m looking at not only providing physical accommodations but also fostering a culture of respect and understanding. Next time someone with a disability interacts with you, try and communicate with them before the jumping to the support worker. A simple hello back could make their day.

If there was anything you could change, what would it be?

I would have loved to have started in this industry a lot sooner!

Any final words / comments / funny anecdotes etc?

Support trainers are the guiding stars that illuminate the path to thriving and enriching lives for their clients. We are there to shine a light on their ability, not disability.



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